There are many kinds of tests you could (and ought to) automate. This list will aid you in your decision.
Unit Tests
The tests are designed and then run by the developers to make sure that every function of your application is operating properly. They are simple to automate and must be executed by default when new code is added to the master branch.
Integration tests
Integration tests test whether the subunits or modules of your app are operating. They are often checked automatically. It is also important to make sure that you test both unexpected and expected inputs.
Testing of the system
Once you have completed your application, it is important to test the entire system. There are many kinds of testing that you can automate.
Functional test. This is when you confirm that your system is operating as expected. For example when a user signs in to the system, does it correctly load their account data.
Regression tests. They are used to ensure that the new code isn't breaking the existing software. It also lets you verify whether old bugs have resurfaced.
Smoke Tests. Smoke tests are an easy set of tests to verify the basic capabilities of your application. It is beneficial to automate these tests. So, you can quickly test whether any changes to your code or your backend causes major issues.
Acceptance tests
The "final" test level for all applications includes acceptance tests. It ensures that the application performs as the user would like it to do. Certain types of acceptance testing cannot be automated, however, others could be.
Testing for performance. They ensure that your backend is capable of coping with the anticipated load of your customers. These include load tests, stress tests, and tests of responsiveness. Each of these tests will test the different aspects that your system backend.
Tests of A/B. This allows you to decide the version of a feature or user interface feature your users prefer or if a new feature is well-liked. It can be automated easily through feature flags that turn features on or off. This is followed by analysis and monitoring to discover how users interact with the app.
Key automation testing concepts
Data-driven testing. This means that you need to test the same test multiple times, using different variables. For example, you may be interested in testing whether your site calculates correctly shipping costs. It is possible to create a test and then run it through a number of test accounts that have different accounts and shipping addresses. This is an excellent method for testing internationalization.
Black box testing and. white box testing. Testing with black boxes means that you run tests without knowing the process of implementing something. This is essential when it comes to tests on your system. In contrast, white box testing is when you are aware of what's happening within your system. This is more appropriate for integration and unit testing, as you want to be sure that all software is being examined.
UI testing as opposed to the API test.
As you would imagine, UI testing involves interacting with the user interface in order to test your results. A majority of smoke and regression tests fall under this category. However, API testing is explicitly calling API functions to ensure that they provide the correct results. This can also be utilized during performance testing.
How can you automate your tests?
The four stages to build an automated test.
1 Choose the right framework or tool to run the tests. It will be based on what type of test that you're automating. Here we will look at some alternatives for testing at the system level below.
2. Precisely identify your test scenario. This is a requirement to write down each step as well as the desired result. It is essential not to make assumptions and also to be aware of any step the manual tester may take without considering it. For example, you could accept the cookie banner.
3. Convert your test into one that you can run within your preferred framework. This could be done by writing a customized script. You must ensure that your test runs in a correct manner and is functional in all scenarios you want to test. For example, if your application needs to be run on different browsers, you must ensure that your test is compatible with each browser.
4. Run this test, and assess the result. This can be difficult. Sometimes, test failures aren't immediately apparent and may require some investigation to find the root of the issue. In addition, many of the tests failed tests result in "false positives" caused by a minor modification to the program. In such cases, you'll have to modify your test and run it once again.
Test Automation is a painstaking task. And you need to be certain not to cut any corners. Effectively, treat test automation as if it were a form of software development! Define the scope, design the tests, implement them, and then test and debug as needed.